Quick and Efficient
Valuation Solution
ASP Service
The Smart Quant (SSQ) is a valuation solution that allows all users to quickly and efficiently calculate fair value and risk indicators of OTC derivatives and structured instruments. For expert Quants, the SSQ is a tool that allows for accurate, real-time valuation and comparison analyses with other valuations and actual trades. Non-experts are also able to achieve the same results as a professional Quant at minimal cost. The SSQ is also a financial product factory that provides analytical support for the design of new structured products. By allowing access to services of FN Pricing via terminal, the user is provided with valuation logic based on comprehensive market data, at minimal cost. Furthermore, the service is continuously enhanced with the automatic introduction of new products and expansion of functions.
In-house service installs the SSQ onto the client's system and fully integrated for user efficiency. The in-house version may also be customized to the needs of users.

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Key Features
The Smart Quant
Pricing Engine
Price Simulation Design Structure
Financial Quant support system for all products
Price & risk engine for cross-asset products
Ad hoc price simulation by market and parameter changes
Design of products and structures by user
Free Version
Free Version